Healthcare Cognology: autonomous agency for patient empowerment and system reformHealthcare systems have been slowly evolving toward a model of care delivery that seeks to leave behind the traditional medical model…Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
Are paintings alive?At some point in the painting process, the painting takes over and exerts its own energy. It has become something in and of itself.Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
How Medical Reasoning is Changed by Prediction Modeling from Artificial Intelligence / Machine…The challenge we face with the tsunami of artificial intelligence is to stay focused on the real-world problems and challenges and not get…Jun 18, 2023Jun 18, 2023
Fee for Service payment in healthcare is not fit for purpose: time to bin it.The intersection between the flow of money in health care and the benefits to patients, clinicians and quality of careJun 18, 2023Jun 18, 2023
Whither biomedical research and development? The place of academic health science centresTo some extent Academic Health Science Centres [AHSCs] are caught between the research push and market pull.Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021
The end of Kodachrome and a way of seeing the worldKodak has ended the production of Kodachrome film. Those who still use film will know Kodachrome film for the quality of the colour and…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
How to avoid solving the wrong problem really wellWe all make decisions and we make them all the time; being human is about choice making and is at the core of philosophising on human…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Choice Architecture 2: The psychology of payer decision makingThis second article on choice architecture introduces the various psychological aspects of how payers make decisions about new medicines…Dec 10, 2020Dec 10, 2020
Deciding: how hard can that be?The AI agenda is for me all about augmenting human reasoning; what I call cognology (cognitive focus) to distinguish from technology…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
PainPain is, well, a pain. It is the one thing we all have direct experience of, and can communicate to others, but which defies direct…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020